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IC Alumna Shares Experience as Social Media Editor

Christine Loman, IC '12, is currently the social media editor at The site covers news, events and more that pertain to those in the Syracuse, NY area.

Loman Skyped with my Mobile and Social Media journalism class Monday to discuss some of the best practices when creating mobile news as well as branding oneself. Below are some of what I considered to be important takeaways from the Skype session.

Social Media Policy at

Loman explained that they don’t really have a lot of defined rules for reporters in terms of how often they should post or share their content on social media.

"They know that they need to share stories, they want people that are interested to find what they’re doing."

She emphasized that all the reporters are on social media because you have to be nowadays in order to get ahead.

Reviewing social media for hiring

"I definitely creep on Twitter and Facebook so that I can check on their judgement"

Loman stated that in the hiring process, she's found that with candidates that didn't really have a good social media presence (or an inappropriate one), usually experience wasn’t great either.

Tool for gathering story ideas

Crowd tangle is her favorite tool, it ranks content based off of how popular it is or if it is trending across different media outlets. Loman found this important because it allows you to see what other media are talking about

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