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Economic Plan


Economic Plan

  • Clinton’s tax proposals would raise taxes on high-income taxpayers
  • Increase estate and gift taxes
  • It would increase revenue by $1.4 trillion over the next decade
  • All tax increases would fall on the highest 1 percent
  • The tax code would become more complex.
  • On average, low and middle income households would see small increases in their overall income after taxes are taken out of it. 
  • ​
  • Trump’s tax proposal would significantly reduce marginal tax rates, increase standard deduction, repeal personal exemptions, cap itemized deductions and would allow businesses to not deduct interest expense

  • Federal revenue would fall by $6.2 trillion over the first decade

  • Federal debt would also rise by $7 billion

  • Three-fourths of the revenue loss would come from reductions in business taxes.

  • Trump’s  proposal would reduce tax rates, simplify many provisions, and reform business taxation

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